Are you rubbing your cock over your pants again? Oh yes, the glans twitches, I can see it. You are horny, my slave, horny to jerk off for your mistress. This is a lesson in implacable obedience, however, my slave, do you understand? The last time you really thought you could jerk off the way you want. Obviously you didn't really understand that I'm the one who determines your lust and your orgasm. You obviously forgot your position, is that possible? Yes, mistress, I have. - I thought so. You keep your eyes down. you listen to my words You will only look at me if I allow and allow you to. Do you understand what I want from you? What do I expect from you? Good, you will jerk off for me. Just for me alone Do you understand that your cock is mine? That I decide if you can jerk off and especially when you can squirt? Very nice, I think so too. I want to hear it! Yes mistress. - that's exactly the only thing I want to hear out of your mouth, the only thing worth saying. Following my jerk-off commands you will be so excited and horny. Following my jerk off orders, your greed and desire will be increased more, more horny, more intense. And I'll try my best to push you even more to your limits than I already do, don't worry. Are you ready? Yes mistress. - well, then download this video and then follow my strict jerk off command. And then you will notice that your submissive orgasms are so much hotter than your stupid jerking off, which you do all the time alone over and over again.